This is a giant set of lists, first an index of everyone who has contributed, then more lists split into Criticism, Reviews, Fiction, Poetry, Interviews, Art and Memorials.
By Contributor |Alcaly-Gut, Karen (4.2)
Alegre, Sara Martin (4.1)
Allen, Louise (3.2)
Anthony, Albert (5.1)
Andres, Tina (8.1/2)
Ardys of Berkeley (7.2)
Austin, Kathie (6.2)
Attebery, Brian (1.2)
Averbach, Margara (2.2)
Ball, Kat (2.2)
Bannan, Helen (8.1/2)
Baringer, Sandra (2.2)
Barr, Marleen S. (1.1); (2.1); (4.2); (7.1)
Barr, Scott (4.2)
Beatie, Bruce (3.1)
Betts, Tara (5.1)
Biressi, Anita (4.1)
Black, Sharon (5.2)
Blinebury, Beth (5.1)
Bogstad, Janice M. (1.1); (5.1)
Bould, Mark (5.1)
Bow, Beverly (6.2)
Briggs, Elizabeth Pandalfo (3.1); (5.1)
Broner, E. M. (4.2)
Brown, James D (8.1/2)
Buckman, Alyson (4.2)
Burton, Nsenga K. (4.2)
Butler, Andrew (5.1)
Calvin, Ritch (3.1); (8.1/2)
Casal, Marcus (2.1)
Charlick, Robert (4.2)
Charnas, Suzy MeKee (4.1)
Church, Kelly Jean(2.2)
Cirrone, Dorian (3.1)
Clemente, William (1.1)
Cochran, Tanya (6.2)
Cohen, Debra Rae (4.2)
Cook, Barbara J. (5.1)
Crater, Theresa A. L. (3.1); (5.1)
Crosby, Janice (2.1); (5.1)
Croyden, Christine (2.1)
Crump, Helen (6.1)
Cruz, Candra (2.2); (7.1)
Csicsery-Ronay Jr., Istan (5.1)
Cummings, Gerardo T. (5.1); (8.1/2)
Curtis, Sheryl (5.2)
Daly, Cathy (7.1)
Davis (8.1/2)
De Giacoman, Monica De Neymet (7.2)
DeGraw, Sharon (4.2)
Delany, Samuel R. (1.1)
Delu, Ardys (8.1/2)
Deman, J. Andrew (6.2)
DeWitt, Jim (7.1)
Dickinson, Stephanie (7.1)
Dimovitz, Scott A. (6.2)
Doran, Christine (3.2)
Dorozario, R. C. (7.1)
Douglas, Marcia (6.1)
Drown, Eric M. (7.1); (7.2)
Due, Tananarive (3.2)
Drushel, Bruce E. (7.2)
Eisenstein, Linda (1.2)
Epstein, Marion (6.2)
Eros, Paul (5.1)
Fambrough, Mary (1.1)
Ferreira, Aline (4.1)
Francisco, Allison (2.2)
Fullerton, Romayne Smith (7.2)
Gage, Carolyn (5.2)
Gale, Marilyn (4.2)
Geary, Joe (5.2)
Gehiere, Bruce (5.1)
Gish, Robert (2.2)
Giunta, Edvige (5.2); (7.1)
Goldberg, Wendy (5.2)
Govan, Sandra (4.2)
Grabowski, Rita (4.2)
Greenbaum, Andrea (4.1)
Guess, Carol (3.2)
Hains, Rebecca C. (5.2)
Hake, Liisa (1.2); (3.1)
Harper, Mary Catherine (2.1)
Harris, Clare Winger (3.1)
Harrison, Janet (7.1)
Hawkins, Cathy (5.1)
Hoefel, Roseanne (2.2)
Hollinger, Veronica (2.1)
Holland-Toll, Linda (8.1/2)
Hood, Yolanda (6.1)
Hopkinson, Nalo (6.1)
Houston, Shannon Mariana (4.2)
Jacques, Alison (5.2)
Jenkins, Candace M. (6.1)
Johnson, Linda (2.1)
Johnston, Nancy (1.2); (2.1)
Jones, Jennifer (3.1)
Jowett, Lorna (4.1)
Jurich, Marilyn (4.2)
Kafka, Phillipa (2.1); (3.1); (3.2); (4.2)
Kazalia, Marie (7.1)
Kiefer, Geraldine Wojno (5.1); (8.1/2)
Kelley, Brian (4.2)
Kelley, Elizabeth (7.1)
Kelso, Sylvia (1.2); (2.1)
Kendall, Kathleen (4.1)
King, Sharon (6.2)
Kirk, Mary (7.2)
Kleiner, Elaine (2.2)
Kray, Susan (4.2)
Kuhl, Nancy (3.2)
Laity, K. A. (5.2); (8.1/2)
Lassner, Phyllis(4.2)
Lavigne, Carlen (6.2)
Lehfeldt, Elizabeth A. (3.1)
Leonard, Tara (3.2)
Lesses, Rebecca (3.2)
Levine, Emmy (3.1)
Liddell-King, Jane (3.2)
Lifshin, Lyn (5.2)
Littlecrow-Russell, Sara (2.2)
Long, Mary Beth (5.2)
Lupoff, Richard A.(3.1)
Mabee, Barbara (1.2)
Marinara, Martha (3.1)
Matchie, Tom (2.2)
Matisons, Michelle Renee (5.1)
McAdams, Janet (2.2)
McAuliffe, Moira (3.1)
McConnell, Kathleen (7.2)
McCauley, Carole Spearin (6.2)
McGregory, Jerrilyn (6.1)
McLean, Susan (7.1)
Melzer, Patricia (3.2); (5.1)
Meredith, America (2.2)
Merril, Judith (4.2)
Meyer, Sabine (4.1)
Michlitsch, Gretchen (6.1)
Middents, Jeffrey (5.1)
Minchinton, Barbara (2.1)
Moore, Louise (8.1/2)
Moriel, Liora (4.2)
Morris, Abigail (5.2)
Morrison, Monique (4.2)
Murphy, Katherine (3.1)
Murphy, Suzanne Zahrt (2.2)
Murray, Robin (3.1)
Musgrave, Megan (6.2)
Newsom, Victoria Anne (5.2)
Nicte-Ha (1.2)
Nwankwo, Ifeoma C. K. (4.2)
Orendi, Diana (4.2)
Orenstein, Gloria Feman (1.1); (1.2); (2.1); (4.2) ; (7.2); (8.1/2)
Orr, Delilah (2.2)
Ortman, Pat (8.1/2)
Pagan, Darlene (3.1)
Paley, Cynthia Feldman (3.1)
Palma, Shannan (7.2)
Panofsky, Ruth (8.1/2)
Patterson, Kathy Davis (6.1)
Pettigrew, Dawn Karima (2.2)
Phillips, Donna Burns (3.1)
Pike, Earl (1.1)
Pough, Gwendolyn D. (6.1)
Pratt, Annis Vilas (2.2); (3.1); (3.2)
Price, Shelley (5.1)
Putnam, Amanda A. (5.2)
Redmond, Glenis (7.1)
Reed, Lynee (6.2) (8.1/2)
Reid, Robin Anne (1.1)
Robb, Donna Marie (4.2)
Rose, Carol (4.2)
Ross, Sharon (5.2)
Russell, Doreen (4.1)
Salaam, Kiini Ibura (6.1)
Salas, Gerardo Rodriguez (6.2)
Salazar, Cristian (3.1)
Sargent, Pamela (4.2)
Saunders, M. Sean (5.2)
Scheef, Debra (7.1)
Schein, Lorraine (3.2); (4.2)
Schneider, Karen (2.1); (3.1)
Schwartz, Kaila (2.2)
Scott, Justin (5.2)
Self, Emily (5.2)
Sellers, Stephanie (2.1); (2.2)
Setton, Ruth Knafo (1.2)
Shaw, Andrea (6.1)
Shaw, Debra Bonita (7.1)
Shaw, Diona (5.1)
Shaw, Louise (4.1)
Simmons, Diane (2.1)
Sin, Aseret (6.1)
Smith, Anne Collins (1.2)
Smith, Erin A. (3.2) ; (6.2); (7.1)
Sommerville, Kristine A. (5.2)
Sonnenschein, Dana (7.1)
Springer, Christina (1.1)
Springer, Jennifer Thorington (6.1)
Stadler, Cathy (3.2)
Starhawk (7.1)
Stone, Leslie F. (1.1); (2.1); (4.2)
Stratton, Susan (3.1)
Street, Ella Jo (7.2)
Surkan, K. (5.1)
Suvin, Darko (1.1); (3.2)
Thomas, Alicia (6.1)
Thompson, Aida (7.1); (7.2)
Thorpe, Douglas (5.2)
Toll, Linda Holland (6.2)
Tomaszyk, Frances (4.1)
Tomberg, Shoshana (3.1)
Trawick, Leonard (3.1)
Turner, Stephanie S. (4.2)
Ungar, Barbara Louise (1.2)
Vance, G. Warlock (5.1)
Vanderford, Audrey (4.2)
Vlaicu, Angela (2.2)
Warne, Vanessa (5.2)
Washington, Teresa N. (6.1)
Wisker, Gina (8.1/2)
Weinbaum, Batya (1.1); (1.2); (2.1); (2.2); (3.1); (3.2); (4.2); (5.1); (7.1) ; (8.1/2)
West, C. S'Thembile (7.2)
Wilkerson, Carmiele Y. (6.1)
Williams, Lynn (1.2)
Wisker, Gina (3.1); (3.2); (4.1);(6.1)
Wolpert, Ilana (4.2)
Wood, Sarah (6.1)
Wray, Phoebe (1.2)
By Author and Article (Criticism, Review, Fiction, Poetry, Interviews, Art, Memorial)
Sara Martin Alegre, The Other in Me: Nancy Collins’s Vampire Heroine, Sonja Blue (4.1)
Louise Allen, Monkey Business: Planet of the Apes and Romantic Excess (3.2)
Tina Andres. Growing Thick Skin (8.1/2)
Brian Attebery, Women Alone, Men Alone (1.2)
Margara Averbach, Technology, “Magic,” and Resistance in Native American Women’s Writing (2.2)
Sandra Baringer, The Terror of the Liminal: Silko’s Almanac and Klein’s Phantasy Paradigm (2.2)
Helen Bannan. Derailed but Not Defeated (8.1/2)
Marleen S. Barr, Interview with Janet Asimov (2.1)
Anita Biressi, True Crime, Medicine, and Corporeal Horror (4.1)
Alyson Buckman, "What Good Is All This to Black People?" Octavia Butler's Reconstruction of Corporeality (4.2)
Dorian Cirrone, Millenial Mothers: Reproduction, Race, and Ethnicity in Feminist Dystopian Fiction (3.1)
William Clemente, WisCon 22 and the (Not So) Secret Feminist Cabal (1.1)
Theresa Crater, The Resurrection of Morgan le Fey: Fallen Woman to Triple Goddess (3.1)
Janice Crosby, The Snow Queen and the Goddess in the Machine (2.1)
Jane Davis. The Value of Stupidity: Negative Values in Academia (8.1/2)
Sharon DeGraw, "The More Things Change, the More They Remain the Same": Gender and Sexuality in Octavia Butler's Oeuvre (4.2)
J. Andrew Deman, "Taking Out the Trash: Octavia E. Butler's Wild Seed and the Feminist Voice in American SF." (6.2)
Scott A. Dimovitz, "Cartesian Nuts: Rewriting the Platonic Androgyne in Angela Carter's Japanese Surrealism." (6.2)
Christine Doran, Fantasy as History: The Invention of Cixi, Empress of China (3.2)
R.C. Dorozario. "The Consequences of Disney Anthropomorphism." (7.1)
Eric M. Drown. "Business Girls and Beset Men in Pulp Science Fiction and Science Fiction Fandom." (7.1)
Drushel, Bruce E. "Pandora's Box in Cyberspace: The On-line Alternative Fan Sites of Hercules: The Legendary Journey." (7.2)
Mary Fambrough, Transcending Gender: Challenging the Binary. Divide at the Third International Congress on Sex and Gender (1.1)
Aline Ferreira, Artificial Wombs and Archaic Tombs: Angela Carter’s The Passion of Eve and the Alien Tetralogy (4.1)
Robert Gish, Voices from Bear Country: Leslie Silko’s Allegories of Creation (2.2)
Andrea Greenbaum, Bio-Technology as Kabbalah: Reconfiguring the Golem Myth in Alien Resurrection and Species (4.1)
Sandra Govan, The Parable of the Sower as Rendered by Octavia Butler: Lessons for Our Changing Times (4.2)
Rebecca C. Hains, The Problematics of Reclaiming the Girlish: The Powerpuff Girls and Girl Power (5.2)
Mary Catherine Harper, Mending the Rationality/Romanticism Divide in the Study of Women’s Science Fiction (2.1)
Janet Harrison. "The Muse Unmasked: Eileen Agar's Objectives Correlatives." (7.1)
Roseanne Hoefel, Narrative Choreography toward a New Cosmogony: The Medicine Way in Linda Hogan’s Novel Solar Storms (2.2)
Linda Holland-Toll. What to Do When You Are Stuck at Toxic U: Strategies for Avoidance, Sabotage, and Survival (8.1/2)
Veronica Hollinger, The Utopia of the Perverse: An Exercise in “Transgressive Reinscription” (2.1)
Nalo Hopkinson, Address Given at The College of New Jersey, Department of African American Studies, 30th Anniversary Symposia: "Afrofuturism: Womanist Paradigms for the New Millennium" (6.1)
Alison Jacques, "Lucky Jupiter Meets Your Ruler": Otherworldly Sources of Girl Power in Magazine Horoscopes (5.2)
Nancy Johnston, “I Would Have Swallowed the Kiss”: Reflections on Feminist Speculative Poetry (2.1); Made in Canada (1.2)
Lorna Jowett, “Mute and Beautiful”: The Representation of the Female in Anne Rice’s Interview with the Vampire (4.1)
Sylvia Kelso, No Place, the Good Place, a New Place (1.2); Third Person Peculiar: Reading between Acamenic and SF-Community Positions in Feminist SF (2.1)
Kathleen Kendall, Who Are You Afraid Of?: Young Women as Consumers and Producers of Horror Films (4.1)
Geraldine Wonja Kiefer. Overlays, Matrices, and Boundaries: A “Mixed-Media” Approach in Pedagogy and Art (8.1/2)
Kirk, Mary. "Vision of the Possible: Models for Women's Heroic Journey Applied to Madrone's Path in The Fifth Sacred Thing." (7.2)
Elaine Kleiner and Angela Vlaicu, Revisioning Woman in America: A Study of Louise Erdrich’s Novel The Antelope Wife (2.2)
Susan Kray, Refamiliarization: Jewish Women in the Narrative Strategies of "Pulp" Science Fiction Magazine Stories, 1993-2000 (4.2)
Carlen Lavigne, "Space Opera: Melodrama, Deminism and the Women of Farscape." (6.2)
Barbara Mabee, Reception of Fairy Tale Motifs in Texts by Twentieth-Century German Women Writers (1.2)
Tom Matchie, Fighting the Windigoo: Winona LaDuke’s Peculiar Postcolonial Posture in Last Standing Woman (2.2)
Jerrilyn McGregory, Nalo Hopkinson's Approach to Speculative Fiction (6.1)
Patricia Melzer, “All that you touch you change”: Utopian Desire and the Concept of Change in Octavia Butler’s Parable of the Sower and Parable of the Talents (3.2)
Judith Merril, That Only a Mother (4.2)
Sabine Meyer, Passing Perverts, After All: Vampirism, (In)Visibility, and the Horrors of the Normative in Jewelle Gomez’ The Gilda Stories (4.1)
Gretchen Mitchlitsch, Breastfeeding Mother Rescues City: Nalo Hopkinson's Ti-Jeanne as Superhero (6.1)
Liora Moriel, An Introduction, or the Jacket Blurb Comes of Age (4.2)
Robin Murray, Terri Windling’s The Wood Wife: A Space for Complementary Subjects (3.1)
Megan Musgrave, "Phenomenal Women: The Shape-shifter Archetype in Postcolonial Magical Realist Fiction." (6.2)
Victoria Anne Newsom, Young Females as Superheroes: Superheroines in the Animated Sailor Moon (5.2)
Gloria Feman Orenstein, Journey through Mlle de ScudĂ©ry’s Carte de Tendre: A 17th-Century Salon Woman’s Dream/Country of Tenderness (3.2); NWSA 2000-Boston (2.1); The Surrealist Cosmovision of Bridget Tichenor (1.1); Vision and Visibility: Contemporary Jewish Women Artists Visualize the Invisible (4.2); When the Imaginary Becomes Real, as Surrealism Said It Would: 'All the Rest Is Litterature'.(7.2); Gertrude Stein as Mentor and Passing the Flame (8.1/2)
Delilah Orr, Bear, Mountain Lion, Deer, and Yellow Woman in Leslie Marmon Silko’s Ceremony (2.2)
Kathy Davis Patterson, 'Haunting Back': Vampire Subjectivity in The Gilda Stories (6.1)
Ruth Panofsky. Professor/Mother: The Unhappy Partnership (8.1/2)
Sharon Ross, Dangerous Demons: Fan Responses to Girls' Power, Girls' Bodies, and Girls' Beauty in Buffy the Vampire Slayer (5.2)
Gerardo Rodriguez Salas, "E.G.E. Bulwer Lytton's Covert Antifeminism in The Coming Race." (6.2)
Pamela Sargent, Jewish Enough (4.2)
Debra Bonita Shaw. "Sex and the Single Starship Captain: Compulsory Heterosexuality and Star Trek: Voyager." (7.1)
Diane Simmons, Maxine Hong Kingston’s Woman Warrior and Shaman: Fighting Women in the New World (2.1)
Smith, Romayne. "Not 'Of Woman Born': Fairy Tale Mothers for Postmodern Literary Children." (7.2)
Leslie F. Stone, Letter of the Twenty-Fourth Century (1.1); Out of the Void (2.1)
Susan Stratton, Intersubjectivity and Difference in Feminist Ecotopias (3.1)
Ella Jo Street. "The Origin of Tarot" (7.2)
Darko Suvin, Cloning: On Cognition in the Discourses of SF and Technoscience (3.2); Must Collectivism Be Against People What Remains Of Zamyatin’s We After The Change Of Leviathans: Reflections From Feminist And Other Standpoints (1.1)
Douglas Thorpe, Girl Power and the Discourse of Aging: The Example of Ursula K. Le Guin (5.2)
Linda Holland Toll, "Bluestockings Beware: Cultural Backlash and the Re/configuration of the Witch in Popular Nineteenth-Century Literature."
Frances Tomaszyk, Lunatics with Lethal Combat Skills: Dark Doubles, Bacchae, and Soulless Women in Xena: Warrior Princess (4.1)
Stephanie S. Turner, "What Actually Is": The Insistence of Genre in Octavia Butler's Kindred (4.2)
Teresa N. Washington, Power of the Word/Power of the Works; the Signifying African Soul of Africana Women's Literature (6.1)
Batya Weinbaum, Interview with Marge Piercy (3.2); NWSA FEMSPEC Salon (1.2); NWSA 2000-Boston (2.1); SFRA 2000-Cleveland (2.1); Sex Role Reversals in Star Trek’s Planets of Women as Indices of Second Wave Media Protest (1.1); Memoirs of an Academic Career (8.1/2)
C. S'Thembile West. "The Competing Demands of Community Survival and Self-Preservation in Octavia Butler's Kindred." (7.2)
Lynn Williams, Separatist Fantasies 1690-1997: An Annotated Bibliography (1.2)
Gina Wisker, “Honey, I’m Home!”: Splintering the Fabrication in Domestic Horror (4.1); Women’s Horror as Erotic Transgression (3.1) 'Your Buried Ghosts Have A Way of tripping You Up': Revisioning and Mothering in African American and Afro-Caribbean Women's Speculative Horror (6.1)
Sarah Wood, Subversion through Inclusion: Octavia Butler's Interrogations of Religion in Wild Seed and Xenogenesis (6.1)
Phoebe Wray, Writer’s Respite at Wiscon ‘99 (1.2)
REVIEWS: (alpha by author)
Scott Barr, Review of The Defiant Muse (4.2)
Bruce Beatie, Review of Teaching toward the 24th Century (3.1)
Janice M. Bogstad, A Little Light Shed On: Into Darkness Peering (1.1)
Beverly Bow, Reivew of Cambridge Anthology of SF (6.2)
James D Brown. On Paprika (8.1/2)
Elizabeth Pandalfo Briggs, A Ramble through Fantasyland (3.1)
Nsenga K. Burton, Review of Female Hip-Hop Artists in Outer Space (4.2)
Ritch Calvin, Review of Turning on the Girls (3.1); On Naomi Mitchison (8.1/2)
Marcus Casal, The Poet as Cartographer (2.1)
Robert Charlick, Review of Sleeping with Cats (4.2)
Tanya Cochran, The On-line International Community of Buffy Studies (6.2)
Debra Rae Cohen, Review of The Battle of the Sexes in Science Fiction (4.2)
Gerardo Cummings. On Alien Constructions (8.1/2)
Sheryl Curtis, Canadian Girl Power: Young Women Save the Day, happily-Ever-After Ending Unnecessary (5.2)
Ardys Delu. On Feminists Who Changed America (8.1/2); On Daughters of the Great Star
(8.1/2); On Code Pink (8.1/2); On The Red Rose Rages (8.1/2); On We, Robots (8.1/2)
Eric Drown: 'Buffy, Who?' Review of Athena's Daughters: Television's New Woman Warriors, edited by Frances Early and Kathleen Kennedy. (7.2) ; 'Ooooo!, We Hate Bush.' Review of Hollywood's New Radicalism: War, Globalization and the Movies from Reagan to George W. Bush, by Ben Dickerson (7.2)
Joe Geary, Young Women (and More) in Anime (5.2)
Liisa Hake, Review of The Jigsaw Woman (3.1); Two Reviews (1.2)
Candice M. Jenkins, Review of Black Sexual Politics: African Americans, Gender, and the New Racism (6.1)
Phillipa Kafka, Don Quixote, the Joads, and Jack Kerouac Move Over: A Chinese American Woman’s Adventures On the Road [of Life] (2.1); Review of Goja (3.1); Review of The Road to Fez (3.2); Review of A Spiritual Life (4.2)
Brian Kelley, Review of Dreaming the Actual (4.2)
K. A. Laity and Wendy Goldberg, Japanesse Magic: The Girl-Friendly Films of Hayao Miyazaki (5.2)
Phyllis Lassner, Review of Women's Holocaust Writing (4.2)
Elizabeth A. Lehfeldt, Review of Witches of the Atlantic World (3.1)
Emmy Levine, Review of Islands of Women and Amazons (3.1)
Mary Beth Long, Growing Up to Be Feminists: Reports on Girl Culture (5.2)
Richard A. Lupoff, Clare Winger Harris and “The Fifth Dimension” (3.1)
Gretchen J. Michlitsch, Review of The Salt Roads (6.1)
Monique Morrison, Octavia Butler Speaks: A Visit to Cleveland State University (4.2)
Suzanne Zahrt Murphy, Dream Poet: Marijo Moore (2.2)
Nicte-Ha, Dinotopia (1.2)
Doctress Neutropia. On The Secret DVD (8.1/2)
Ifeoma C. K. Nwankwo, Review of Brown Girl in the Ring (4.2)
Diana Orendi, Review of Soundless Roar (4.2)
Gloria Orenstein, Surrealist Women (1.2)
Darlene Pagan, Review of Behind the Blue Gate (3.1)
Shannan Palma: Review of From Alien to The Matrix: Reading SF Films, by Roz Kaveney (7.2)
Kathy Davis Patterson, Review of Minion: A Vampire Huntress Legend (6.1)
Donna Burns Phillips, Review of Mary Shelley’s Fictions
Earl Pike, Margins Made Visible (1.1)
Annis Vilas Pratt, Review of In the Footsteps of the Goddess (3.1); Review of Life Is a Fatal Disease (2.2); Review of The Golden Book of Springfield (3.2)
Amanda A. Putnam, Reading Sacred: Feminists Confronting Future Feminists (5.2)
Lynee Reed, The Song of the Goddess (6.2); On Becoming the Villanness (8.1/2)
M. Sean Saunders, Marwen's Web: Living on the Loom of the Mother (5.2)
Karen Schneider, On Women of Other Worlds (2.1); Review of White Turtle (3.1)
Kaila Schwartz, Elements of Trickster in the Children’s Books of Louise Erdrich (2.2)
Anne Collins Smith, The Exploration of Gender in Deep Space Nine and Sacred Time (1.2)
Erin Smith. Women Writing Pulp (7.1) ; Having a Good Cry: Effeminate Feelings and Pop-Culture Forms (6.2) ; “Saddling La Gringa” (3.2)
Jennifer Thorington Springer, Review of Whispers from the Cotton Tree Root: Caribbean Fabulist Fiction (6.1)
Alicia Thomas, Review of The Awakening: A Vampire Huntress Legend (6.1)
Audrey Vanderford, Review of The Raw Brunettes (4.2)
Vanessa Warne, Eyes Shining and Feet Kicking (5.2)
Batya Weinbaum, Reviews of The Bitch Is Back; Inanna; From Moon Goddesses to Virgins; The Lieutenant Nun (3.1); Review of Klezmer Music (4.2); Review of Summer with the Ghosts (5.2); interview with Diana Rivers (7.1); On Fissures (8.1/2)
Carmiele Y. Wilkerson, Review of Love (6.1)
Gina Wisker, Mothering in the African Diaspora (3.1); Reviews of “Saddling La Gringa”; (Out) Classed Women (3.2)
Ilana Wolpert, Review of Bee Season (4.2)
FICTION AND PLAYS (alpha by author)
Kathie Ausin, "Orion". (6.2)
K A Laity. Eating the Dream (8.1/2)
Marleen S. Barr, The Feminist Pathfinder Does Not Probe Mars (1.1); Close Encounters of the Monica Kind (4.2) ; Superfeminist Or, A Handmade Carol (7.1)
E. M. Broner, De-Winging the Angel (4.2)
Suzy MeKee Charnas, Evil Thoughts (4.1)
Christine Croyden, Interview with a Housework Beast (2.1)
Monica De Neymet De Giacoman. Living Hours (excerpt) (7.2)
Stephanie Dickinson. Grasshopper Woman (7.1)
Samuel R. Delany, Trouble on Triton – Excerpt (1.1)
Marcia Douglas, Marie-Ma (6.1)
Tananarive Due, Protection (3.2)
Linda Eisenstein, Revelation 24:12 (1.2)
Carolyn Gage, The Rules of the Playground: A One-Act Play (5.2)
Marilyn Gale, Lilith 1996 (4.2)
Girls’ SF by a 9-year-old, circa 1961, The Suncomers (1.1)
Carol Guess, Love Story with a Living Ghost (3.2)
Clare Winger Harris, Excerpts from “The Fifth Dimension” (3.1)
Linda Johnson, If the Sun and Moon Should Doubt… (2.1)
Sharon King, "Quiescent." (6.2)
Rebecca Lesses, A Dream Question for the Angels (3.2)
Martha Marinara, Ovum (3.1)
Janet McAdams, Plaza Bocanegra (2.2)
Carole Spearin McCauley, "Crone's Revenge." (6.2)
Abigail Morris, The Girl with the Metal Hair (5.2)
Dawn Karima Pettigrew, Manna Raptured (2.2)
Donna Marie Robb, Soul Spinner (4.2)
Doreen Russell, Spell (4.1)
Kiini Ibura Salaam, K-USH: The Legend of the Last Wero (6.1)
Debra Scheef. From The Archives... (7.1)
Justin Scott, The Truth in Dreams (5.2)
Stephanie Sellers, Coyote Wants a Baby (2.1); Father Coyote (2.2)
Ruth Knafo Setton, Beast (1.2)
Andrea Shaw, Jus' a Pinch of the Yellow Powder (6.1)
Louise Shaw, The Which Bitch? Project (4.1)
Kristine A. Sommerville, Runners (5.2)
Cathy Stadler, The Lost Tribe (3.2)
Leslie F. Stone: Cosmic Joke (4.2)
Aida Thompson. Thanksgiving Day (7.1)
Batya Weinbaum, Sasha's Harlem: Excerpts (4.2); Waiting for Justice (8.1/2)
Gina Wisker. New Blood (8.1/2)
Karen Alcaly-Gut, One of Those Nights (4.2)
Sharon Black, Stone Dress (5.2)
Helen Crump, Morning Wake-up Sun (6.1)
Canda Cruz. The Goddess Rag; Avatar Blues (7.1)
Cathy Daly. Solo, Alone, False Apparitions, Untitled (7.1)
Jim DeWitt. While You're Waiting for the Wind? (7.1)
Edvige Giunta, "Stories of Sicilian Girls" and "Dark Play" (5.2)
Rita Grabowski, Recessively Blond (4.2)
Edvina Giunta. Night's Whispers (7.1)
Shannon Mariana Houston, Haiku (4.2)
Marilyn Jurich, Even Death is Uncertain without the Proper Forms (4.2)
Marie Kazalia. No Elvis Sightings (7.1)
Elizabeth Kelley. Letter (7.1)
Nancy Kuhl, If Kay Sage Painted Portrait as a Boy (3.2); The Hundred-headless Woman Opens Her August Sleeve: Part 2 (3.2)
Tara Leonard, Sanitary/Sanity (3.2)
Jane Liddell-King, Cornflakes (3.2)
Lyn Lifshin, Emily Dickinson (5.2)
Sara Littlecrow-Russell, Indian Tears (2.2); Those Indians Sure Are Crafty (2.2)
Moira McAuliffe, Orpheus (3.1)
Kathleen McConnell. The Inevitable Feminist Treatise on Catwoman (excerpt) (7.2)
Susan McLean. Circe, Scylla, The Siren, Melantho (7.1)
Barbara Minchinton, Housework Beast (2.1)
Louise Moore. Joan of Arc, Circe, Cassandra, The Annunciation Angel (8.1/2)
Katherine Murphy, Not Remembering My Childhood (3.1); To a Friend Afraid of Flying (3.1); For My Daughter, Dreading Dissection (3.1)
Cynthia Feldman Paley, Reflections from Kate’s Daughter (3.1)
Glenis Redmond. Lonely Girl, Train, Scripted Hope (7.1)
Carol Rose, Ex-nihilio (4.2)
Cristian Salazar, A Map of the United States of America (3.1)
Lorraine Schein, Remedios Varo, with Artwork by Zazie (3.2); The Goddess at Bergen-Belsen (4.2)
Emily Self, The Language of Paper Dolls (5.2)
Aseret Sin, Poetrix; Sister Ancestor (6.1)
Dana Sonnenschein. Man Ray's Muse (7.1)
Christina Springer, Dream Hunt (1.1); Juneteenth (1.1); Word Worlds (1.1)
Darko Suvin, The Taboo (1.1); Imagine a Fish (1.1)
Aidan Thompson: Maple Tree (7.2)
Leonard Trawick, Katherine Murphy (3.1)
Barbara Louise Ungar, Circe in Love (1.2)
Yolanda Hood, Interview with Tananarive Due (6.1)
Gwendolyn D. Pough, Interview with L. A. Banks (6.1)
Kat Ball, Stink of the Future (2.2)
Marion Epstein, Feminist Speculative Art (6.2)
Jennifer Jones, Untitled (3.1); Untitled (3.1)
America Meredith, Kelly Jean Church, Allison Francisco, Art from the “Three Sisters Show,”
Pat Ortman. Don’t Tread on Me: Painting My Way Through (8.1/2)
Santa Fe, New Mexico, June 1999 (2.2)
Shoshana Tomberg, Domestic Violence (3.1)
Tillie Lerner Olsen (1912 - 2007) by Ardys of Berkeley (7.2)
Monica Sjoo by Starhawk (7.1)
Monique Wittig (1935 - 2003) by Gloria Orenstein. (7.2)
Grace Paley (December 11, 1922 - August 22, 2007) by Ardys Delu (8.1/2)